Sunday, June 6, 2010

Write Web Content for Content Mills or Residual Income Sites?

Is it more profitable to write web content for content mills or for residual income sites?

If you write for a content mill, you are guaranteed X amount of dollars per article, provided it adheres to the company's editorial guidelines. Depending on the amount of time it would take for you to research and write an article, starting out, it may be more profitable to write web articles for a fee.

Residual income sites do play a role in increasing your overall earning potential. Due to the strict editorial guidelines of some content mills, many writers elect to submit an article which did not meet the company's guidelines to a residual income site, such as Associated Content. You may or may not receive an upfront payment for the article, but you will receive a share of the advertisement earnings the article generates. The amount of advertisement earnings is dependent upon the number of views your article receives. It is always wise to optimize your article for search engine visibility without spamming your article with unnecessary keywords.

For guaranteed income, stick with the content mills or work on securing private clients. To add extra, residual income to your earnings, submit original SEO articles to residual income sites.

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